Source code for ecs_files_composer.ecs_files_composer

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# Copyright 2020-2022 John Mille<>

"""Main module."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import os
from dataclasses import asdict
from enum import Enum
from os import environ, path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ByteString

import yaml
from dacite import Config, from_dict
from yaml import Loader

from ecs_files_composer import input
from ecs_files_composer.aws_mgmt import S3Fetcher
from ecs_files_composer.certificates_mgmt import process_x509_certs
from ecs_files_composer.common import LOG
from ecs_files_composer.files_mgmt import File

[docs]def init_config( raw=None, file_path=None, env_var=None, ssm_parameter=None, s3_config=None, secret_config=None, role_arn=None, external_id=None, decode_base64=False, context=None, override_folder: str = None, print_generated_config: bool = False, ): """Function to initialize the configuration as if it were a file itself""" iam_override = {"SessionName": "FilesComposerInit"} if ssm_parameter or s3_config or secret_config: role_arn = environ.get("CONFIG_IAM_ROLE_ARN", role_arn) external_id = environ.get("CONFIG_IAM_EXTERNAL_ID", external_id) if role_arn: iam_override.update({"RoleArn": role_arn}) if external_id: iam_override.update({"ExternalId": external_id}) if ssm_parameter: initial_config = {"source": {"Ssm": {"ParameterName": ssm_parameter}}} elif s3_config: if not S3Fetcher.bucket_re.match(s3_config): raise ValueError( "The value for S3 URI is not valid.", s3_config, "Expected to match", S3Fetcher.bucket_re.pattern, ) initial_config = { "source": { "S3": { "BucketName": S3Fetcher.bucket_re.match(s3_config).group("bucket"), "Key": S3Fetcher.bucket_re.match(s3_config).group("key"), } } } elif secret_config: initial_config = {"source": {"Secret": {"SecretId": secret_config}}} elif file_path: with open(path.abspath(file_path)) as file_fd: config_content = initial_config = {"content": config_content} elif raw: initial_config = {"content": raw} elif env_var: LOG.debug(f"Using env var {env_var}") initial_config = {"content": environ.get(env_var, None)} else: raise ValueError("No input source was provided") if not initial_config: raise ImportError("Failed to import a configuration content") LOG.debug(initial_config) if not override_folder: temp_dir = TemporaryDirectory() config_path = f"{}/init.conf" else: config_path = f"{override_folder}/init.conf" jobs_input_def = { "files": {config_path: initial_config}, "IamOverride": iam_override, } if decode_base64: initial_config["encoding"] = "base64" if context: initial_config["context"] = context start_jobs(jobs_input_def) try: with open(config_path) as config_fd: _file_content = if print_generated_config: try: config = yaml.load(_file_content, Loader=Loader)"Successfully loaded YAML config {config_path}") except yaml.YAMLError: try: config = json.loads(_file_content)"Successfully loaded JSON config {config_path}") except json.JSONDecodeError: LOG.error("Input content is not valid JSON") raise finally: if print_generated_config: return config except OSError as error: LOG.exception(error) LOG.error(f"Failed to read input file from {config_path}")
[docs]def process_files(job: input.Model, override_session=None) -> None: files: list = [] for file_path, file in job.files.items(): if not isinstance(file, File): file_redef = from_dict( data_class=File, data=asdict(file), config=Config(cast=[Enum, bytes]) ) file_redef.path = file_path files.append(file_redef) else: files.append(file) for file in files: file.handler(job.IamOverride, override_session)"Tasks for {file.path} completed.")
[docs]def start_jobs(config: dict, override_session=None): """Starting point to run the files job""" job = from_dict( data_class=input.Model, data=config, config=Config(cast=[Enum, bytes]) ) if job.certificates: process_x509_certs(job) if job.files: process_files(job, override_session)